Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

CSO Capacity Building Training of the 7th Phase has been launched at the American University of Armenia

Today, the 7th phase of the educational certification capacity building program for the representatives of civil society organizations (CSO) was launched at the American University of Armenia. 20 CSO representatives from Yerevan City, and Armavir, Tavush, Shirak, Syunik, Lori and Gegharkunik marzes participate at this stage.

The educational program is implemented within the framework of the EU-funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project. The objective is to develop sustainable and effective skills among the civil society to start a dialogue with government and local self-government bodies.

“This course is unique. It is very important to have an idea on public policies. You will be trained on four target topics: development and implementation of public policy; monitoring of public budgets and policies; constructive and sustainable dialogue with the government and local self-governing bodies; and building and development of coalitions,” Mr. Karen Zadoyan, President of the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO, “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project Manager said in his welcoming speech at the opening of the 7th stage of the Educational Program.

Additionally, after the completion of the program, CSOs participating in the training will have the opportunity to participate in grant competitions.

The “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project is implemented with the financial support of the European Union by a Consortium of civil society organizations, which are the Armenian Lawyers’ Association (lead organization), Agora Central Europe (NGO based in the Czech Republic), the Armenian Centre for Democratic Education-CIVITAS, the International Centre for Human Development, the SME Cooperation Association and the Union of Communities of Armenia.