Commitment to Constructive Dialogue
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What has been and will be done in the Scope of the “Governance Efficiency Study in 17 Enlarged Communities” Project
Discussion on Domestic Violence, Its Manifestations and Means of Prevention
Training on the Efficient Implementation of Public Budget and Policy Monitoring
Presentation for Gyumri CSO Representatives: Czech Experience of Evidence-Based Public Policy Development
5 Participants of the Yerevan and Gyumri CSO Incubators Received Personal Advice
9 Organisations Participating in the Shirak CSO Incubator Received Personal Advice
7 CSOs from the Yerevan CSO Incubator Were Given Personal Advice on Public Policy Monitoring and Improvement Plans
Training in Gyumri on Cooperation between the Human Rights NGOs and the State Bodies
Representatives of CSO Incubators discussed Sectoral Issues with the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and agreed to cooperate
CSO Representatives Met with SRC Deputy Chairman and Discussed Sectoral Issues
Problems Related to Protection of Labour Rights Were Discussed with CSO Representatives in Gyumri
Challenges and Development Prospects of the Local Governance Sector Were Presented to Gyumri CSO Incubator Participants