Position: Education and Related Sectors Coordinator
Location of employment: Yerevan
Job description: The “Armenian Centre for Democratic Education-CIVITAS” NGO coordinates the education and related sectors’ activities in the scope of the EU funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project. The organisation is currently seeking for a qualified specialist to fill the vacant position of the Education and Related Sectors Coordinator.
Development of public policy concepts in the education sector;
development of a public policy action plans in the education and related sectors; conduct activities with the project partners and beneficiaries on daily basis; conduct analyses and research within the framework of the project through comparison of the national and international experience; compiling legal opinions; participation in professional events; carrying out other project activities.
Higher education in social sciences, pedagogy or related fields; at least 3 years of professional work experience; at least 3 years of experience in drafting and implementation of projects in non-governmental or international organisations; excellent knowledge of Armenian, English and Russian languages; computer Skills (Excel, Word and Power Point); ability to work in team; ability to work and deliver services under pressure and workload.
Application Procedure:
Interested individuals may apply by 26 November, 18.00 by sending their CV and letter of interest, mentioning the experience in the required sector (up to 300 words) to the e-mail address [email protected]. Please indicate “Education and Related Sectors Coordinator” in the subject line.
Selection will be made on a competitive basis. Only applicants, who have passed to the second stage, will be invited for test. Applicants with the best results will be invited to the next, oral phase.
About the organisation:
The objective of the “Armenian Centre for Democratic Education-CIVITAS” NGO is to promote public education and the formation of civil society. Working in the field of education, the Organisation implements democracy, human rights and non-formal education programs. For more information about the organisation please visit our official website at www.civitasarmenia.am.
About Project
One of the project objectives is to strengthen capacities and public monitoring mechanisms of CSOs working in 9 different sectors. Trainings for the development of CSOs’ capacities including: monitoring, evidence-based public policy analysis, developing of CSO-Government Dialogue, and creation of coalitions. In addition, CSO incubators will be created in strategically important areas of the marzes, which will conduct activities aimed at the strengthening of CSOs’ monitoring and policy-making capacities. For more information about the Project please visit the project website at https://ccd.armla.am/en/.
Applications that fail to comply with the submission requirements, or submitted in violation of the established procedure, as well as submitted after the deadline will not be considered.