Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

Regular Meeting took place in the Scope of “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project

The working meeting in the scope of “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project with the coordinators of 5 working groups of EAP CSF Armenian National Platform took place.

At the beginning the members of the Consortium that implements the EU funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project introduced details about the project.

Representatives of the EAP CSF Armenian National Platform in their turn presented the activities of platform in general.

Further the participants discussed the ways of possible cooperation between the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” and the Platform.

The parties also noted the issues related with the activity of coalitions.

Notably, the mapping process carried out within the framework of the project launched on December 15 last year is already coming to an end.

The project management team, has organized 36 focus groups with the representatives of the civil society of Armenia on the initiative of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association. The focus groups were attended by more than 300 representatives of NGOs.

In addition, questionnaires were sent to around 1,000 CSOs. 200 organizations have provided replies. Questionnaires were also sent to coalitions and networks of non-governmental organizations. Cooperation has been established with Government and Local governments.

Three target areas have been selected in the scope of the project, 6 other areas shall be selected after summarizing the results of the preparatory period.

The “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project is implemented with the financial support of the European Union by the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO in cooperation with its partners; Agora Central Europe o.p.s (an NGO from the Czech Republic), Armenian Center for Democratic Education-CIVITAS, “International Center for Human Development” Public Organization, SME Cooperation Association and Union of Communities of Armenia.