On 3 October 2018, the general assembly of the Armenian Educational Network was held. Several important decisions were discussed and approved.
The “Partnership for Progress in Education” network is implementing the “Social Partnership and Education: Community Opportunities for Young People” project in the scope of the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project funded by the European Union.
One of the objectives of the project is to develop the Armenian Educational Network.
Today, memoranda on entering the network were signed with 6 non-governmental organisations. Artashes Torozyan, the Project Manager and the President of the “Partnership and Teaching” NGO, informed that around 15 applications had been received but 6 were selected after taking into account a number of criteria.
In his words, they don’t have a problem of enlarging the network artificially and what matters are the qualitative features of the organisations wanting to become members. In particular, the selection has been made, taking into account the experience in the organisation’s sector, institutional capacity and location of activities (coming from various marzes is important). The 6 new members of the network work in the Shirak, Tavush, Lori, Kotayk, Nayots Dzor and Syunik marzes.
The working regulations of the network were discussed and approved at the general assembly, the 5-member coordinating council was selected. The new versions of the network name and logo were also discussed, and the final version was chosen. The newly opened website of the network – armedunet.com – was presented, too.
The goal of the “Social Partnership and Education: Community Opportunities for Young People” project was to contribute to improving policies of vocational education and training (VET) and employment in Armenia through ensuring the CSO coalition’s proper participation and increasing the role of social partnership.
The project target sectors were the public and VET institutes of the enlarged Goris and Sisian communities, local government, business units, territorial employment centers and CSOs working in the sector of education. The project beneficiaries are the community members and the education sector CSOs working in the RA.