Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

Rural Tourism, Organic Agriculture

Project Name: Rural Tourism, Organic Agriculture

Organisation: “Community Pulse” NGO


Project Duration: 6 months

Project total budget – AMD 5 500 000; funding requested from the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project – AMD 5.000.000, applicant’s financial contribution  AMD 500,000.


The target group of the project are farmers living and working in Vardenik who will be taught all the possible ways needed to stay in their community, work and build it. The community development program should incorporate such important provisions and areas that will encourage villagers to make money in their community in different ways.

Project Activities:

  • Create a group of active young people in Vardenik community, who are interested in promoting community development, especially in tourism and agriculture.
  • Organise meetings with residents of the community to discuss possible development opportunities in the community to hear different ideas and solutions. Meet with other active community initiative groups who already have considerable outcomes and vision for community development in that area. Study their successful experience, understand the possible problems and their solutions.
  • Invite the local Self Government Body in Vardenik community, within the framework of a constructive dialogue with the Council of Elders, discuss the Vardenik Community Development Program in an extraordinary session of the Council, supplementing this document with the important aspect of increasing rural tourism and agriculture, as an important area of community development.
  • Establish “Wild Plants” annual festival in Vardenik.