Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

For Օvercoming Radicalization, Xenophobia and Hatred among the Youth of Armenia

Project Name: For Օvercoming Radicalization, Xenophobia and Hatred among the Youth of Armenia

Organisation: “Free Citizen” Civil Initiatives Support Centre NGO


Project Duration: 6 months


Project total budget – AMD 5.490.500; funding requested from the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project – AMD 4.940.000, applicant’s financial contribution  AMD 550.000.


In the post-revolutionary period in Armenia, there is a rise in hatred, radicalization and xenophobia in the society, especially in political, national, religious spheres, which contradicts and hampers the formation of a climate of solidarity in the country, social harmony and cooperation.

This growth is primarily manifested in interpersonal relationships in schools and universities, but gets particularly dangerous in the range of networks, especially in the comments and discussions of the materials published in on-line media. The reason for this is the increased access to Internet, and public platforms, which, however, is not accompanied by the development of critical thinking and expression of relevant culture among the users.

The main objective of the project is to reduce the level of hatred, radicalization and xenophobia among Armenian youth through complex actions.

The program envisages research advocacy, as well as advocacy activities, that are aimed to reduce the hate speech. Cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science is planned to improve the relevant strategies, as well as to implement critical pilot tests on the issue.