Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

Youth for their Future

Project name:  ‘’Youth for their Future’’

Implementing organization: «AGAPE WORLD» Youth Non-governmental organization

Project implementation location: RA, Gegharkunik marz, Chambarak Community (10 localities)

Project duration: January 14 – July 14,2019

Project ammount:  5,500,000 AMD,  requested-4,950,000 AMD, NGO contribution ՝ 550,000 AMD


The main purpose and specific goals of the project:

MP: To contribute to public participation of youth in the Chambarak community and to increase youth public impact by assessing the youth involvement level,  public finance monitoring, implementing advocacy campaigns and developing the community youth policy.

SG1. Assessment of the youth involvement level in public life and local self-government.

SG2 Develop a community youth policy and by the organization of the advocacy campaigns present it to local self-government.


Project Target Groups: Local self-government bodies, educational institutions and  community-based youth structures of Chambarak enlarged community,


Project Beneficiaries:  18-35 aged youth of Chamabrak enlarged community.


Expeted Results

  1. 1. Existence of monitoring of local self-government bodies operations, which includes community budget, five-year development plan and LGB working plan.
  2. The awareness of young people about the local self-government operations and youth issues has risen by 40-50%.
  3. 3. Community Youth Policy Program has been developed and approved by the LGB. Youth policy programs will be included in the five-year community development program.