Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

Piotr Świtalski on the Implementation of Vetting in Armenia. Armenians should sit at the Тable and understand what is better for Armenia

On 26 May, the one-month series of “Europe Day 2019” celebrations ended at the North Avenue.

EU Ambassador to Armenia Piotr Świtalski was present at the event. The ambassador answered the journalists’ questions about judicial reform in Armenia.

He noted that the EU welcomes the government’s commitment to reform the judiciary and expresses readiness to help.

“Those reforms should be implemented in accordance with the RA Constitution and international commitments. The PACE statement  reflects the position of the European Union,” the Ambassador noted.

Piotr Świtalski touched upon the implementation of transitional justice in Armenia as well. The ambassador pointed out that the EU does not participate in internal discussions on judicial reforms.

“We are ready to share experiences with other countries, as the EU is involved in the reforms in Albania, as Minister of Justice Artak Zeynalyan said. Armenia should decide for itself because any model cannot be regarded as a solution in your problems as the countries are different. There are several models of vetting that have recently been actively discussed. There are different models and experiences, both positive and negative. I think that if we look at the Albanian experience, it is observed as positive. It involves a complex legal process, it is time-consuming, and costly, but even on EU official websites you can read articles about Albanian experience and see the overall picture that is positive. However, the vetting process is very sensitive everywhere, so you should be extremely careful considering the sensitivity of the process. Armenians should sit at the table and understand what is better for Armenia. No one will try to impose anything from outside,” the ambassador said.

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