Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

Applications for Medium Term Expenditure Framework for 2020-2022were discussed with the CSOs in the Education Inspectorate

On 13 June, the Public Discussion of Education Inspectorate Budget was held at the office of the RA Education Inspectorate.

The Coalition of Armenian Educational Network, represented by Mr. Artashes Torozyan, Executive Director of Partnership and Teaching/P&T NGO, Mr. Khachik Anajyan, Director of “Youth for Development Foundation” and Ms Magda Gevorgyna, President of “Kapan Teachers” NGO participated in the public discussion as well.

The Head of the RA Education Inspectorate, Mr. Alexander Shagafyan, made opening remarks at the meeting. He presented the draft budget, referring to all the main sections and planned programs included in the budget.

During the discussion, the heads of member organizations of the Armenian Educational Network made a number of recommendations for the improvement of the education sector, which were approved by the Education Inspectorate management and representatives.

Highlighting the involvement of all interested parties and, in particular, the public sector, in the process of public policy-making in Armenia’s education sector, Mr. Shagafyan made an initiative to expand cooperation by offering active and meaningful participation of the Armenian Educational Network member organizations in the activities of the RA Education Inspectorate and its regional structures.