Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

“Inclusive Education and Community-Based Out-of-School Care Centers: In Sight” Monitoring Report

As of 1 July, 2018, 188,051 people with disabilities are included in the electronic database of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Administrative Disability Register), of which 8,205 children with disabilities under 18 years of age. The number of children with disabilities in Lori marz is 726. Most of them prior to “universal inclusive education” were educated in special boarding schools. After abolition of the boarding schools, the children moved to their families and continued their education in community schools. Boarding schools have been reorganized and many of them provide pedagogical and psychological support to children with disabilities, by first conducting an assessment of their educational needs.

As the process is new and there are many issues, Argina NGO, through its “We are a Full Members” project, tried to find out the effectiveness of community support centres operating in Lori, identify problems and develop recommendations with a focus on accessibility and targeting of services provided to children with disabilities by these centres.

The report highlights issues related to physical accessibility of the pedagogical and psychological support centres and day-care out-of school services, issues and opportunities arising during the activity. The report is summarized with recommendations.

The report is available in Armenian language.