Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

Guide for Improving Scholarships and Financial Aid Policies for Universities

The objective for the development of this Guide is to improve scholarships and financial support policies in higher education establishments to promote access to higher education. The introduction of the Guide into higher education institutions will help to make the process of scholarships and financial support policies more open and transparent. The guide has been developed by an expert selected within the framework of the “Access to Higher Education” Project implemented by P&T (Partnership and Teaching)NGO. While developing the Guide, the expert took into account the monitoring of the scholarship and financial support policies implemented in the 3 higher education institutions of Syunik region (Goris State University, Kapan Branch of the National Polytechnic University of Armenia, Sisian Branch of the National Agrarian University of Armenia), as well as the recommendations collected as a result of a regional forum with the participation of stakeholders in order to improve this policy. This document includes guidelines and announcement templates for making scholarships and other educational opportunities and disseminating them as widely as possible. The Guide is intended for higher education institutions in Syunik marz. Attached to the Guidelines are Attachment Templates for Participation in Local and International Scholarships, Summer Schools, International and Local Conferences, Educational Opportunities, and Financial Support Opportunities to Conduct Research. The Guide detail the mechanisms for applying and disseminating these templates.

The Guide is available in Armenian language.