Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

The 7th Group of CSO Capacity Building Training completed at the American University of Armenia

Today, the 7th, last phase of the new educational certification program for Capacity Building Skills of CSOs was completed at the American University of Armenia. The participants of this stage were 20 representatives from Yerevan city and from Armavir, Tavush, Shirak, Syunik, Lori and Gegharkunik marzes of Armenia.

The training was organised in the scope of the EU funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project. 108 representatives of the civil society organisations of Armenia participated in this certification training. The training is aimed at developing sustainable and productive capacity of CSOs, CSO coalitions in Armenia.

Ms Hermine Hovhannisyan, President of “Index of Equality” NGO, noted that the training was interesting and effective. “I got acquainted with very good professionals who have made great progress in their work. The representatives of the organisations are open and coalitions will be created with great pleasure. The spheres are different, but we believe that we can create a coalition and work more efficiently,” she said.

“I obtained a really useful information in this training, which I shall try to apply for solving different issues that our organisation faces. I learnt different nuances and I can use it in practice. I think we will be able to form coalitions because I got acquainted with the areas which others are interested in. There are sectoral similarities and we can join our opinions and ideas to create a coalition,” Ms Lusine Muradkhanyan from the Development Principles” NGO told us.

Notably, after completing the program, CSOs participating in the training will be able to participate in the grant competitions.

It should be noted that the training is organised in the framework of the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project is implemented with the financial support of the European Union by a Consortium of civil society organisations, which are the Armenian Lawyers’ Association (lead organisation), Agora Central Europe (NGO based in the Czech Republic), the Armenian Centre for Democratic Education-CIVITAS, the International Centre for Human Development, the SME Cooperation Association and the Union of Communities of Armenia.