Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

Online Tools that help to make CSO Activity Effective

Representatives of 18 non-governmental organisations received new knowledge on online tools that enable them to improve the effectiveness of public monitoring and public policy development at the training organised in the scope of the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project.

The training took place on 30 March in Yerevan.

“We are currently working on the improvement of our website. And here we got a lot of interesting information that can be used to increase the accessibility of our website,” Ms Knarine Sargsyan, responsible for public relations at “Development Principles” NGO said.

Ms Armine Avagyan, Chairwoman of the “Woman Scientists Union” NGO, suggests investing more time and resources in such trainings, as the course is important and greatly promotes making the organisation’s work effective. “For example, it was very important to recognize the target audiences and keep in touch with it. There are tools that are available only in English and here how they are used and what steps to take were presented in Armenian.”

It should be noted that the Executive Director of “Civitas” NGO Mr. Khachik Gevorgyan, Coordinator of Education and Related sectors of the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project presented to the participants of the training more than 7 online tools, which can increase the effectiveness and visibility of the non-governmental organisations in the field of public policy.

If you also are a civic activist and want to receive legal support, please contact us at [email protected], register for the upcoming training to receive legal advice.

The “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project is implemented with the financial support of the European Union by a Consortium of civil society organisations, which are the Armenian Lawyers’ Association (lead organisation), Agora Central Europe (NGO based in the Czech Republic), the Armenian Centre for Democratic Education-CIVITAS, the International Centre for Human Development, the SME Cooperation Association and the Union of Communities of Armenia.

The project aims to enhance the influence of civil society organisations (CSOs) and CSO coalitions/networks on public policies in Armenia. This will allow organisations that are already working in sectoral coalitions to access additional resources, new groups of civil society experts to come together and encourage place their causes on the local and national policy agenda, to identify common concerns and priorities and approach government bodies with constructive and strategic policy engagement initiatives.

The project will provide sub-grants to CSOs and CSO coalitions for developing public policies and bringing significant changes in the 9 target sectors selected within the project, including those of justice, education and business.