Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

Grants for CSO Coalitions

The first phase of grants to civil society organisations’ (CSOs) coalitions (networks) has been launched within the framework of the EU-funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project.

The objective of the Project Grants Component is to build or support the existing CSO Coalitions (Networks) in the 9 target sectors of the Project, ensuring their increased impact on public policy development, advocacy and public participation in these processes.

The 9 target sectors are: justice (1), human rights (2), public finance management (3), business (4), education (5), social sphere, social inclusion of children with disabilities (6), agriculture (7), economy (8), energy (9).

Consortia composed of at least four CSOs can apply with a sub-grant project proposal, aiming at building and strengthening new coalitions (networks), as well as strengthening already existing coalitions (networks). CSO members of the consortia must have the legal status of a non-commercial and non-state organisation, as well as state registration. At least one CSO member of the consortia must have participated in and completed the certified training programme conducted by the American University of Armenia for CSO capacity building in the scope of the Project.

In this stage of sub-grants allocated to CSO Coalitions, the Project will support up to 9 CSO consortia, providing one sub-grant of AMD 25,000,000 in each of the 9 targeted areas of the project.

In the second stage of sub-grants provided to CSO Coalitions (Networks), the Project will support up to 9 winning CSO consortia of the first stage, providing each of them with additional financial support amounting up to AMD 8,500,000 (eight million five hundred thousand).

There is expected to be a second stage of sub-grants as well. In the second (non-competitive) stage of sub-grants provided to CSO Coalitions (Networks), which will be announced in the 6th month of the first phase, the Project will allocated up to AMD 8,500,000 (eight million five hundred thousand) to 9 winning CSO consortia of the first stage, whose ongoing programmes will be evaluated as effective by the Project specialists.

If you are interested in applying for this sub-grant programme, please visit for the details here: