Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

CSOs in Ararat were informed about the Opportunity to apply for Sub-Grants

On 12 April, 6 NGOs in Ararat city were informed about the sub-grant opportunity for CSDO Coalitions for the development of public policies in the framework of the EU funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project.

Executive Director of the Armenian Center for Democratic Education (CIVITAC) Khachik Gevorgyan and Executive Director of the SME Cooperation Association Hakob Avagyan presented the terms required for submissions.

At this stage, the first phase of submissions for CSO coalitions has been announced.

Organisations can form coalitions beginning with four structures, one of which should have previously participated in a five-day training course for CSO capacity building at the American University of Armenia.

Mr. Khahik Gevorgyan, presented the e-systems which NGOs can use to make NGO’s work faster and more visible than before. In particular, peculiarities for the management of or e-mail addresses to send personal e-mails, as well as the skills necessary for delivering text messages through inbound marketing.

Mr. Hakob Avagyan, presented to the latest amendments in the RA NGO Law how to conduct accurate and systematic accounting. He also talked about social entrepreneurship and how NGOs should enter this field.

Ms Olga Baghdasaryan, Founder of “Svetozar Educational Center” NGO, which works in Ararat marz, said in an interview with us that the organisation has difficulties with dissemination of information. “Sometimes we sent emails, and failed to contact the marz administration of the directors of the schools where we intended to organise events. We send letters to 60 schools, and only one reply was received, and we are unaware whether the other letters had reached the respondents or not: and these systems will enable to manage this process,” Olga Baghdasaryan said.

Ms Varditer Ghazaryan, representative of the Association of Women with University Education, noted that the organisation operates in Artashat and intends to engage in entrepreneurial activity in the nearest future. “We learned some details through the course. And what is more important we received clarification of some provisions of the law that were unclear,” Varditer Ghazaryan said.

The “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” action is implemented with the financial support of the European Union by a Consortium of civil society organisations, which are “Armenian Lawyers’ Association”, Agora Central Europe o.p.s (an NGO from the Czech Republic), Armenian Center for Democratic Education-CIVITAS, “International Center for Human Development” Public Organisation, SME Cooperation Association and Union of Communities of Armenia.