Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

Discussions on Difficulties in Inclusive Education in the Lori Region

On 15 February 2019, a round-table meeting with representatives of stakeholders of the “We Are Full Members”  project took place at the Lori Regional Office of the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO. 

The project is implemented in the scope of a grant allocated by the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project funded by the European Union to the consortium of the “Argina” Cultural NGO and “Inter-Community Cooperation for the Development of Rural Communities” NGO. 

Around 22 representatives of educational institutions were present at the meeting. 

“We Are Full Members” Project Manager Gayane Balayan presented to the representatives of stakeholder organisations the main goal and issues targeted by the project, expecting participants’ support and cooperation. 

Meeting participants came up with recommendations, presented a number of issues related to difficulties of inclusive education. Project Manager Gayane Balayan said that the problems and recommendations would be submitted to the government and the National Assembly at the end of the project. 

In the scope of the project, such round-table discussions have been organised in Stepanavan and Alaverdy towns, Lori Region. 

The goal of the “We Are Full Members” project is to improve the work of the community support centres in the Lori Region (hereafter Centres), suggesting efficient solutions to the problems revealed through monitoring, also paying attention to making the services  for disabled persons more accessible and targeted.