Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

Deputy Minister of Health met with the Representatives of “Healthy Body in an Informed Mind” Sub-Grant Project implemented in the Scope of CCD Project

On 16 May, representatives of “Healthy Body in an Informed Mind” Sub-Grant Project implemented in the Scope of CCD Project met with Armenian Deputy Minister of Healthcare Mr. Hovhannes Harutyunyan.

The project is implemented by “Spitak Helsinki Group” Human Rights NGO.

Ms Narine Mezhlumyan, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist of the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project, presented the CCD project and the objective of the meeting.

The Deputy Minister welcomed the attached importance to the meeting and welcomed the possibilities of the and further cooperation, noting that such meetings are very important for them.

Ms. Arevhat Petrosyan, “Healthy Body in an Informed Mind” Project Manager, presented the project, its objectives and a number of issues identified during the monitoring, including procurement issues, procurement of non-quality medicines, doctors’ work schedule, and so on.

The lack of hygiene items in some healthcare facilities was noticed. The doctors raised the issue of providing free of charge medical assistance to the children under the age of 7 who applied without the referral, and, about the lack of modern equipment in the medical establishments in the marz.

The Deputy Minister presented a number of issues about which the Ministry was aware. He expressed his consent on many issues and mentioned the upcoming programs. He also spoke about the lack of awareness of the society, and noted that active work should be carried out in that direction.

At the end of the meeting, an agreement to organize a new meeting was reached.