Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

Prerequisites for the Formation of an Open Youth Work Network in Armenia

A discussion on the prerequisites for the establishment of an open youth network in Armenia took place on 21 May in the framework of the sub-grant project “Recognition of Open Youth Work in Armenia” implemented in the scope of the EU-funded “Commitment Constructive Dialogue” project.

The project is being implemented by Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO.

The objective of the establishment of Open Youth Work Network in Armenia, the ” Recognition of Open Youth Work in Armenia” project and the essence of the open youth work in general were presented at the discussion.

During the presentation, of the achievements of the project, the main features of the open youth centers, the existing/elaborated standards for the youth worker, the rules of conduct, and how they perceive the process of professionalization in this field were discussed. It was also mentioned that there is an opportunity for a state-level youth worker training, how to work with local self-government bodies to address current issues and priorities for youth. They also spoke about the international experience, activities, successes and achievements of their organization. Iit was mentioned as an example that as a result of the discussions with the relevant departments of the Gyumri municipality, they had promised to open a community youth worker’s position.

The research, conducted in the scope of the project developed, the report and a package of proposals developed through the project will be submitted in separate parts to the Ministries of Labor and Social Affairs, Sport and Youth Affairs, Ministry of Education and Science separately.

Notably, representatives of local and international organizations working with youth, including representatives of universities and CSOs, were present at the discussion.