Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

Shirak Governor met with Representatives of Civil Society Organizations within the Framework of CCD Project

On 27May, a meeting with Shirak Governor Tigran Petrosyan was held within the scope of the “Improving the State Regional Business Strategy by Joint Partnership Efforts” Project mplemented within the framework of the sub-grant provided in the scope of the EU funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project.

The meeting was organized on the initiative of “Efficient Governance and Community Development” and “Community Initiatives and Advocacy Center” NGOs.

Ms Ani Maghakyan, Assistant to Shirak Governor, Ms Svetlana Mkrtchyan, head of the monitoring group, Mr. Mushegh Ghrgyan, representative of  “Community Initiatives and Advocacy Center”, Ms Hripsime Petrosyan, representative of “Efficient Governance and Community Development” NGO, representative of SME sector and Mr Artur ZakaryanDirector of SME DNC Foundation Shirak Branch attended the meeting..

The project representatives presented the project and a summary of the activities and preliminary results of the project monitoring team.

Further the head of the monitoring organization Svetlana Mkrtchyan presented the issues of SMEs that were mentioned in the questionnaires.

Shirak Governor Tigran Petrosyan highlighted the program implementation and expressed a wish to get acquainted with the final the report.