Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

Public Discussions on Budgetary Bids of the RA Government and Territorial Administration Bodies with the participation of CSO Coalitions of CCD Project

Today, on 6 June, a meeting discussion organised in the framework of the EU funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project was held in the Central Office of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association. Representatives of CSO Coalitions established and developing their capacities in the scope of the project attended the meeting discussion. The meeting referred to the organization of public discussions of budgetary bids of the RA Government and territorial administration bodies.

In particular, by 17 June 2019, according to the instruction of the Prime Minister (pursuant to Clause 21 of the Appendix to the RA Prime Minister’s Decree N-289-A of 22 March, 2019 “On the beginning of the budget process in the Republic of Armenia for 2020” which provides for conducting discussions on the bids with the Prime Minister of Armenia) on Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) for each body, including the draft bids for the 2020 State Budget, as well as the public debates to be conducted for the discussion of cost calculation and justification in the basis of bids, in which the CSOs should also be involved.

Notably, the above-mentioned public discussions on draft budget bids and cost calculation and justification in the basis of bids became possible thanks to the constructive dialogue between the Government and CSOs within the framework of the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project.

In addition, the CSO coalitions of the project will have their active and constructive participation in these discussions and based on their findings, they will submit relevant proposals to the Government of Armenia.