Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

Medium Term Expenditure Framework for 2020-2022, including the Applications for Budget Financing for 2020 was discussed in Lori Marzpetaran

On 11 June, the Lori regional administration held a discussion of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework for 2020-2022, including the Applications for Budget Financing for 2020 drafted by the Lori regional administration, as well as the cost estimates based on the applications. Ms Gayane Markosyan, the Deputy Governor of Lori region facilitated the discussion.

Ms Zarine Hovhannisyan, Lawyer of the ALA Vanadzor Office, Coordinator of CSO incubator, an representatives of other CSOs attended the meeting as well in the scope of the EU funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project.

Ms Gayane Markosyan thanked the participants for attending the discussion and noted that she expects active question and answer.

Mr. Artavazd Bejanyan, Acting Head of Financial and Socio-Economic Development Department of Lori Regional Administration provided thorough information on the issue under discussion.

Discussion was held on administrative equipment as well as special and other targeted materials, information services, the amount of money allocated for different materials and food, the reduction of transport costs, reducing the salaries and bonuses. The latter is conditioned by personnel changes, as new civil service positions had been introduced, and salaries of those new positions were lower than that of former employees.

It was also noted that 674724.5 thousand AMD will be allocated for the year 2021, and 682624.5 thousand AMD for the year 2022, which is mainly due to the natural growth of salaries.