Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

Legal Basis and Judicial Practice related to the Damage caused to the Employee during the Performance of the Work in the Focus of the Discussion

On 19 June, “Araza” Benevolent NGO organised the round table discussion of the Monitoring Report of the current status of the law “Compensation for the Damage of the Employee caused diring the implementation of work by Employer”. The discussion was organised in the conference hall of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia within the framework of the sub-grant project “For the Protection of Labour Rights” implemented in the scope of the EU funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project.

Representatives of trade unions, state bodies, CSOs, and participated in the event.

The project experts presented the results of the research work carried out within the framework of the sub-grant project proposals for the solution of problems.

Particularly, Mr. Nerses Aghababyan, the expert of the project, presented the legal bases and the judicial practice related to the damage caused to the worker during his work, as well as answered numerous questions and responses of the participants. Almost all the participants expressed their position on the current situation of the subject matter, the current legislative and system issues.

The participants also highlighted the necessity of establishing a labour inspectorate with wide oversight functions.