Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

Roundtable Discussion on Armenia’s Preliminary (craftsmanship) and Secondary Vocational Education Development Program took place

On 1 August, the roundtable discussion on Armenia’s Preliminary and Secondary Vocational Education Development Program organised by the Armenian Centre for Democratic Education – CIVITAS NGO in the framework of the EU-funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project took place in Yerevan. A number of sectoral stakeholders and independent experts attended the discussion. 

In particular, the Preliminary (craftsmanship) and Vocational Education Department of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia; the National Centre for Vocational Education and Training Development; Applying the G20 Training Strategy Project of ILO; Global Development Fund; European Foundation for Education; GIZ (German Agency for International Cooperation), as well as several key preliminary and secondary vocational education institutions also participated in the discussion.

The discussion started with the presentation of the key issues and foreseeing strategic goals and objectives for their elimination presented by Norik Tunyan, an expert involved by the Armenian Centre for Democratic Education – SIVITAS NGO. A constructive dialogue was held on these topics with the participation of all present. The discussion revised the goals and targets set for the development of preliminary and secondary vocational education.

Mutually agreed goals and targets for new and more affordable formulation of sectoral development were developed. Further, a heated discussion on the indicators for achieving the goals and objectives was held.

The discussion provided an opportunity to exchange ideas and views with the “pioneers” in vocational education and training in Armenia, which resulted in a mutually agreeable strategic environment around the focal points of the VET program.