Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

ALA and CSI join Efforts to implement Reforms in Three Sectors

Today, the Armenian Lawyers’ Association and Civil Society Institute NGOs signed a Letter of Agreement.

Human rights, probation system and anti-corruption activities: the two organizations will join efforts to solve the issues that exist in these three sectors. “We will develop cooperation with other NGOs, support them develop capacities, as well as direct our potential to raise the level of legal awareness of the population and protection of their infringed rights,” Mr. Karen Zadoyan, ALA President said.

Two major organizations launched joint work on the first day on signing the agreement. The working meeting discussion regarding the probation service was held in Gyumri on their initiative. Attaching importance to this fact, Mr. Artak Kirakoyan, President of the Civil Society Institute NGO said that they have an objective to change the “face” of the system. “NGOs have a lot to do here. Together we try to combine the regional forces so that beneficiaries of probation are able to apply with their issues in any place in Armenia,” Mr. Kirakosyan stressed.