Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

Training on Strategic Planning for Shirak Marz CSOs was held

On 30 January, 2020, a training-seminar on “Strategic Planning for CSOs” was organized in Shirak Branch of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association of Non-Governmental Organization within the framework of “ALA for Modernization” project. The training was attended by representatives of non-governmental organizations of Shirak marz, with a total of 8 participants.

Gayane Gevorgyan, Lawyer/Program Coordinator of the Armenian Lawyer’s Association Branch Office in Gyumri, held the opening speech. She thanked the participants for their presence and presented the “ALA for Modernization” project, which envisages a similar continuous training to build the capacity of CSOs and CSO coalitions.

The participants were first introduced the Presentation on strategic planning processes, methodology and development specific characteristics, and further the CSO representatives watched a video related to the topic, in which Mr. Karen Zadoyan, President of the ALA presented in more detail the whole process of strategic planning of CSOs.

At the end of the seminar, the participants addressed questions to the speaker on the methodology of strategy development, overall strategy development mechanisms, as well as evaluated the new knowledge, highly appreciating the importance and effectiveness of the training.

Notably, the trainings will be continuous and seminars will be organized on a regular basis on specific themes aimed to promote proper organization and capacity building of CSOs.