Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

Training on “CSO Self-Assessment Process and the Development Plan” for Syunik Regional NGOs was held

On 12 March, 2020, a regular seminar-training on “CSO Self-Assessment Process and Development Plan” was organized in Syunik Branch the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association of” NGO. The training was attended by representatives of non-governmental organizations of Syunik Marz, with a total of 8 participants.

Mr. Vache Baghdasaryan, Lawyer/Program Coordinator of Kapan Office of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association made the opening speech and thanked the participants for their presence.

The participants were first introduced to the participatory process of CSO development, the methodology and stages of the self-assessment process, CSO sub-systems, as well as the specifics of the CSOs annual development plan.

At the end of the seminar, the participants addressed questions to the reporter on the specifics of the CSO self-assessment process and the development of the CSO’s annual development plan, as well as assessed the new knowledge, highly appreciating the importance and effectiveness of the training. The evaluation sheet of the training is available here.

Notably the trainings will be continuous and seminars will be organized on a regular basis to promote proper organization of CSO activities and capacity building.