Commitment to Constructive Dialogue
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Deputy Justice Ministers and CSO Representatives identified a Number of Issues
We will be open to all kinds of cooperation that will contribute to the development of our education: Deputy Minister to CSO representatives
CSO Representatives discussed Various Issues with the Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Development
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the CSO Incubators identified Various Issues
Training for the Gyumri CSO Incubator on Social Inclusion of Children with Disabilities
CSO Representatives Participants of CSO Incubators met with the Administrative Staff of Different Communities: A Number of Issues have been raised
CSO incubators got acquainted with the monitoring of rural green economy, clean energy initiatives, and the issues for dissemination in schools
Karen Zadoyan participated in the Extraordinary Session of the Public Council under the Justice Minister
Anti-Corruption Workshop: “Current Challenges and Future Actions in Fight against Corruption”
Successful CSOs Public Policy Monitoring Experience was introduced to the Participants of CSO Incubators
Training for Civil Society Representatives on Increasing Access to Justice for Vulnerable Groups
Discussion on the Issues identified in Economy and Energy Sectors and their Solutions