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“Public Participation in Local Self-Government”: Training for CSOs
More than 7 Online Tools that increase the Impact and Visibility of Non-Governmental Organisations
Positive and Complicated Aspects of the Current Legislation on Social Entrepreneurship were presented to CSOs in Tavush Marz
I was worried that the organisation can involve volunteers only in proportion to 5 percent of its employees: NGO Vice President
How to Succeed in Social Entrepreneurship? Training for CSOs in Kotayk Marz
Awareness of Any Changes is important for Public Organizations: Training Participant
It was interesting to learn about the Peculiarities of Accounting in the NGO Sector. Training Participant
Draft Law on Introduction of Volunteer Institute may cause Serious Problems to NGOs
Key Changes in NGO Legislation were presented: Training Participant
There are Some Ideas on the Formation of Coalitions: NGO Rpesentative
Legislative Amendments on Non-Governmental Organisations have been presented to Shirak Marz NGO Representatives
We have created a Bridge, got acquainted with many Interesting People, and later we can build Coalitions: Participant of the CSO Training about the Project