Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

A Step Towards Justice

Project: Step Towards Just Armenia

Coalition: Support to Probation National Network

Consortium members:

Head:           Civil Society Institute NGO

Members:  Foundation Against the Violation of Law NGO

                        Family and Community NGO

                        Astghatsolq NGO

Project Duration: 12 months

Overall Budget of Project:         25 000 000 AMD

Consortium input                              2 500 000 AMD

In May 2018 the Armenian parliament elected opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan as the country’s new prime minister, after an outpouring of people’s anger against the ruling elite. “No more bribes, no more monopolies, human rights will be protected, rule of law will prevail” announced Nikol Pashinyan during his speech in parliament. This plan has yet to be fully reflected in the future activities of the new Government and social accountability mechanisms play a key role for the implementation of an effective and accountable governance.

The overall purpose of the project is to contribute to the CSOs participation in the one of the most closed fields of governmental activity, the field of criminal justice at the post-sentence phase. Probation service, alternative sanctions and system of early release are the project’s areas of intervention.

The main objective of the project is to develop a transparency and accountability mechanisms that would facilitate a systemic change in governance processes in the field of administration of justice. The mechanisms will be developed on the basis of the “Support to the Probation” National Network.

The specific objectives are:

– development of the holistic institutionalized CSOs monitoring and evaluation model covering the areas in focus;

– capacity building of the CSOs, members of the “Support to Probation” National Network;

– identification of key problems of public importance in the area of parole and probation and drafting, development, advocacy and conducting monitoring of public policies;

–  cooperating with the Ministry of Justice, Probation service, Penitentiaries, judges involved in the parole decisions with the view of developing of a balanced and human rights friendly policies.  This would include monitoring and evaluation of the current probation services by a standing monitoring body and ensuring of participation of CSOs in monitoring of parole decisions.

In the field of probation, the project objectives will be reached through the development of a public discussion mechanism, in six stages:

1) Development of a strategy for complex review of state activities in the field of probation and alternative forms of punishment and potential mechanisms; 

2) Presentation and discussion of the strategy and models with the main stakeholders in the field and their further adaptation to the Armenian context; 

3) Information analysis, formulation of recommendations and political brief summaries on transparency and accountability in the fields of administering justice;

4) Dissemination and advocacy for crimes among the main actors and the wide public;

5) Creation of permanent mechanisms based on the “Probation Service” National Network/Coalition;

7) Development of a sustainability plan for the activities of approved mechanisms. 

Expected outcome:

  • Strengthen the ties and dialogue between the main stakeholders; 
  • Use the potential gained during the “velvet revolution” and develop processes of institutionalised participation, which is key in the context of efficient and sustainable relations, formation of networks and expansion of projects, as well as strengthening sustainability; 
  • Emphasise systemic changes, not just specific results and strengthen CSOs’ role as intermediaries between government agencies and citizens. 

Expected results:

  • 2 monitoring mechanisms have been developed and are active, CSOs’ participation is ensured in the list of the agencies making decisions on early release;
  • The capacities of the members of the “Support to Probation” National Network have been enhanced; 
  • The cooperation with territorial probation units, judges and central state agencies has been established, CSOs’ participation in the monitoring of decisions on conditional early release is ensured; 
  • The issues in the fields of probation and early release have been revealed and the respective policies have been developed. 

Second Project: “Capacity Development of the “Support to Probation” National Network” Project

The main project goal is the capacity building of the “Support to Probation” National Network that was created in the scope of the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project.   

The specific objectives are:
1․ Development of the internal capacities of the network; 
2․ Development of the external capacities of the network;
3․ Development of the sectoral capacities of the network;
4․ Dissemination of knowledge on probation in the public and in state agencies.