Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

The Problem of Awareness of the Beneficiaries in the Core of Institutional Reforms

Since January, the “Local Democracy Development and Research Centre” NGO has been implemented “Protected Beneficiary Family and Informed Citizen” sub-grant project in the scope of the EU funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project implemented by a consortium of NGOs led by the Armenian Lawyers’ Association.

The research component of the project assumes conducting research with a qualitative methodology, as a result of which a comprehensive analytical reference entitled “Advocacy for Beneficiary Families and Beneficiaries’ Awareness”, was published. The latter, in essence, summarized the main findings and recommendations of the survey, which relate to the awareness of beneficiary family members and their interests in the context of employment.

As the survey shows, beneficiaries’ awareness of the benefits system is one of the priorities. This is why the report contained the need for comprehensive awareness-raising activities as a basic proposal. In the focus of these measures, the emphasis should be on beneficiaries, a comprehensive explanation of their rights and responsibilities, and the consequences of failure to comply with these.

The proposals include alternative options of awareness, such as leaflets (Frequently Asked Questions), which will be sent to beneficiaries or will be distributed through the post offices.

Another option is the creation of an interactive web site where beneficiaries can automatically sign up and receive notifications, submit online questions and receive emails.

The broadcasting of targeted TV broadcasts on benefits is also included. According to the beneficiaries, the topic is less covered on TV and citizens are not aware of their rights, while TV is an accessible means of getting information for everyone.

It will definitely be useful in the system of social assistance, the appointment of an employee in the territorial subdivisions, who will be aware of the issues rose by the citizens and will provide exhaustive answers.

In case of applying the relevant suggestions that are included in the report this and awareness-raising issue may somewhat be settled. Of course, all of these activities will be in vain if beneficiaries do not have the desire and willingness to be informed, and at the same time should not avoid the responsibilities that they have.