Commitment to Constructive Dialogue
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Statement of the Governing Board of the CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia on the Post-Election Process of the Local Elections, including in the Vanadzor community
Study and Roadmap on the Mechanisms of Integrity Checking and Responsibility of Judges: CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia, and Armenian Lawyers’ Association (Revised)
Study and Roadmap on Guarantees of Independence and Effective Functioning of the Court; the Role of SJC
Announcement: On holding Online Discussions in the Format of Public-Private Dialogue within the Framework of the Development of the 5th Open Government Partnership National Action Plan
Online courses aimed at developing the internal capacity of Civil Society Organizations and CSO Coalitions are launched
The Third Course of Online Training Module on the Internal Capacity Building of the CSOs/CSOs Coalitions will start
Training-Seminar on “National System of Integrity” in Shirak Marz
Training-Seminar on “Strategic Planning for CSOs” in Shirak Marz
Training-Seminar on “Strategic Planning for CSOs” in Lori Marz
Training-Seminar on “Strategic Planning for CSOs” in Syunik Marz
Tender for Final External Narrative Evaluation of the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project
Introduction of the Corruption Prevention Toolset in Local Government Bodies: International Experience and Future Steps