Commitment to Constructive Dialogue
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The Work Carried out in the Scope of “Budget for Everyone” Project were summarised
The Closing Ceremony of the “Review and Implementation of Social Policies at Local Level” Project took place at Tavush Marzpetaran
ALDM: Public Funds for the Protection of Children’s Rights Conference
The “State-CSO Cooperation” Workshop was held
The Ministry of Healthcare discussed the Applications of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework for 2020-2022
Representatives of the “We Are Full Members” Sub-Grants Project met with the Deputy Minister of Education, Culture and Sport
Discussion in Lori Regional Administration on the Improvement of Benefit System
Legal Basis and Judicial Practice related to the Damage caused to the Employee during the Performance of the Work in the Focus of the Discussion
Sustainable Energy Days with the Participation of the Schoolchildren of Communities were held in Artik in the Scope of CCD Project
Closing Ceremony of the “Monitoring of the Workers’ Rights” Project was held
The Final Session of “New SME Development Strategy for Armenia” Project was held
A Unified Platform for Advocacy of CSOs will be created