Commitment to Constructive Dialogue

The “Support to Probation” National Network Approved the Declaration for the Establishment of the Network of CSO Coalitions

On 20 February 2019, an extraordinary session of the governing board of the “Support to Probation” National Network created in the scope of the EU-funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” (CCD) Project was held.

The “Support to Probation” National Network is implementing the “Step towards Just Armenia” sub-grant project financed by CCD.

Project Manager Artak Kirakosyan briefly spoke in his welcome speech about the developments in the field of probation and early release, as well as Prime Minister’s announcements.

Afterwards, he briefly presented the group work organised during an event held in Aghveran on 14-16 February 2019, the discussions that followed, finding possible cooperation grounds and the signing of the Declaration in which it was decided to create the Constructive Dialogue Network of CSOs of Armenia by 10 coalitions.

Afterwards, the printed version of the Declaration was distributed among the participants, and it was suggested that they familiarised themselves with it and shared their opinions on the latter. After doing so, the participants decided to approve it. Thus, the “Support to Probation” National Network approved the declaration.

Artak Kirakosyan presented the issues related to probation monitoring and the options of solving them.